Dr. Heidi Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic Gilbert AZ Lower Back Pain Relief

What Happens When You Have Back Pain in Gilbert AZ?

Like tooth pain, pain in your back and body is the last thing to show up. More importantly, it wasn’t the activity you were doing when you initially felt the pain that caused it (unless it was a fall or auto accident). Most commonly, problems do not appear overnight. It takes many days to years…

Chiropractic Gilbert AZ Soccer

How Sports Dr. Heidi Can Help Student-Athletes in Gilbert AZ

People who have never seen a chiropractor before might wonder why an athlete would want an adjustment to help them win. Most people know that chiropractors are great at helping people recover from injuries. But there is an aspect to chiropractic care in Gilbert AZ that is much more than neck and low back pain.…

Chiropractic Gilbert AZ Nutrition Tips for Back and Neck Pain

Chiropractor Gilbert AZ | Standing Desks

Dr. Heidi Chiropractic has many suggestions for her clients to help them take good care of their bodies. Her advice ranges the topics of nutrition, exercise, shoe selection, and even office furniture. Yes, even office furniture! One of the latest trends in alternative office furniture is the standing desk in Gilbert AZ. Sound kind of…

Chiropractic Gilbert AZ Gonstead Chiropractic

Gilbert AZ Chiropractor | Wearing the Right Shoes

As a Gilbert AZ Chiropractor, I’d like to talk about wearing the right shoes. Did you know wearing the right pair of shoes not only helps your body stabilize, they can change your life. Don’t believe it? Ask Cinderella! I know Cinderella is not a realistic scenario, but neither are her shoes! I mean high…

Chiropractic Gilbert AZ Natural Sciatica Pain Relief

Why Chiropractic and Office Exercise Work in Gilbert AZ

One specific reason why chiropractic is an integral part of your health care is that it addresses those aches and pains that you may be feeling in places like your neck, shoulders, and back. Chiropractic care helps to release the stress and strain in Gilbert AZ that we go through in everyday life. And, it…

Chiropractic Gilbert AZ Infant Baby

Chiropractic Helps Infants And Children in Gilbert AZ

Chiropractic care in Gilbert AZ helps infants and children in many ways. Below are just a few reasons parents take their children to the chiropractor. Chiropractic Care for Kids in Gilbert AZ Attached are several case studies from ICPA (International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. Here are 9 reasons why parents take their children to see a…