What Happens When You Have Back Pain in Gilbert AZ?

What Happens When You Have Back Pain in Gilbert AZ?

Chiropractic Gilbert AZ Lower Back Pain Relief

Like tooth pain, pain in your back and body is the last thing to show up. More importantly, it wasn’t the activity you were doing when you initially felt the pain that caused it (unless it was a fall or auto accident). Most commonly, problems do not appear overnight. It takes many days to years to develop into back pain in Gilbert AZ. It’s the repetitive motions we all go through on a daily basis that really contribute to our health.

Repetitive Motions in Gilbert AZ

Think back, what were you doing last night after dinner? Were you out walking, or what a majority of people to they sit in front of the TV. Not only is sitting not good for our bodies, the position of sitting is not good either. Posture changes are one of the most common things that produces problems in your body. It allows the spinal bones to shift out of place and create subluxations. Subluxation is a specific restriction in normal joint motion that begins when one of the bones in the spine gets stuck. It typically creates muscle tension and tightness... your body's way of protecting from further damage. Then inflammation occurs as a way of further protecting the tissues. Unfortunately, what this leads to is NERVE pressure, and the last thing to show up are symptoms….BACK PAIN! A little subluxation over years can then create degeneration in the disc, or eventually disc herniation.

This all can be prevented with a visit to your Chiropractor to check for subluxations. You do not even have to have pain in order to get checked! Do not wait until you cannot put on your pants to seek care. Prevent back pain today with a visit to Dr. Heidi Chiropractic.


8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 4:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 11:00am

Saturday & Sunday

Dr. Heidi Chiropractic

1757 E Baseline Rd STE 134
Gilbert, AZ 85233

(480) 272-9600