Neck Pain From Text Neck in Gilbert AZ

Neck Pain From Text Neck in Gilbert AZ

Chiropractic Gilbert AZ Text Neck

You can probably imagine that there is a bit of neck pain that comes with text neck, but there are so many other problems that it can cause. As the term implies, text neck in Gilbert AZ is a result of injuries and pain associated with the use of wireless devices for texting. Wireless devices include our phones, laptops, and tablets.

Text Neck in Gilbert AZ

The neck pain and other side effects have become a near epidemic with the increased amount of texting that we—and our children—are doing. Along with neck pain, text neck can also cause the following:

  • Chronic headaches
  • Upper back pain
  • Shoulder pain
  • Increased curvature of the spine

There are some studies out there that also suggest that text neck may also lead to early onset of arthritis and decreased lung capacity. But all of these symptoms may not just be a result of texting alone. There are other activities that can contribute to neck pain and other symptoms of text neck. These include reading, knitting, sewing, writing, drawing…you get the idea. Anything that causes us to bend our neck and hang our head can increase the potential for text neck symptoms. It’s just that, with the increased popularity of texting, we have seen more and more problems because we are constantly on our phones.

The issue of text neck is bad enough for adults who experience neck pain and other related complications. But, there is an even bigger concern about young kids and teenagers who spend countless hours a day texting on their phones. They could be causing permanent damage to their spines as they grow. So, what can you do about text neck? Of course, prevention is the key.

If you can’t stay off your phone, at least hold it up at eye level as much as possible. Also, try to take breaks from your wireless devices throughout the day. You can also consult with Dr. Heidi Chiropractic about some core exercises to help strengthen your neck and back muscles. If you are already experiencing some neck pain or other issues that you believe is a result of texting, coming to Dr. Heidi Chiropractic for regular adjustments in Gilbert can help you get in a better place.


8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 4:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 11:00am

Saturday & Sunday

Dr. Heidi Chiropractic

1757 E Baseline Rd STE 134
Gilbert, AZ 85233

(480) 272-9600