Gilbert AZ Chiropractor | 7 Signs of Stress

Gilbert AZ Chiropractor | 7 Signs of Stress

Chiropractic Gilbert AZ Chiropractic for Headaches

Gilbert AZ chiropractor Dr. Heidi sees many patients who show signs of stress. As a Gilbert chiropractor who cares about the whole well-being of her patients, Dr. Heidi emphasizes the importance of managing stress as part of her treatment.

7 Signs of Stress in Gilbert AZ

Here are seven signs of stress and how they can be early warning signs to health issues:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Digestive Problems
  • Sleep Troubles
  • Irritability/Mood swings
  • Allergies/Sinus
  • Tension/Pain
  1. Headaches trouble a lot of people, and for the most of them they are a part of lives for so long, it becomes “normal.” That is NOT good. A headache is a warning sign to something malfunctioning in the body! Headaches can be due to a lot of things: Stress and tension, digestion, sinus, toxins in the system, dehydration among others factors such as nerve pressure, and spinal posture.
  2. Fatigue is a feeling of tiredness that can usually be relieved with rest. Fatigue can also be associated with how the body is functioning, if the body is overstressed. It is a sign that should definitely not be ignored. Excessive fatigue can be a sign of adrenal fatigue, which can be helped by restoring function to the area with Dr. Heidi Chiropractic Gilbert Chiropractor.
  3. Digestive problems can change your daily routines and eventually your life. Got Gas? Constipation? Diarrhea? Bloating? Heartburn? Ulcers? Hemorrhoids…eeeek yes I said it! These are just a few things that are signs your body is not working correctly, and can be due to nerve dysfunction.
  4. Sleep is very important! It is the time when our body can rest from the day’s activities and restore and get ready for a new day. New cells are made others are sloughed off. Brain can regenerate and refocus. But, for many sleep is not a priority. Seven to Nine hours of sleep per night is recommended for an adult, but sadly many people do not even achieve 6 hours per night. Leaving their bodies stressed and fatigued to start a new day. Check out recommeneded sleep schedules for all ages here.
  5. Irritability and mood swings plague people every day. Let’s hope it’s not you or your family! But, yes we are all susceptible to a little cranky now and then. When it is a daily occurrence it is something to truly look at why that is happening. Is it mental? Or is it a warning from the body, saying HELP!
  6. Allergies and sinus issues are very common! Whether it is from the animals in your house or the trees in your yard, many things can be an irritation. Allergies are just a hypersensitivity on a nerve, when the nerve is calmed, the allergies tend to decrease.
  7. Tension and Pain are the LAST things to show up. You do not have any pain or symptoms until you have 65% LOSS OF FUNCTION on a nerve. Do not wait for pain to arrive!

Pay attention to the early warning signs your body is sending you. If you experience one or more of these signs of stress, you could be at risk for health problems. Call Gilbert Chiropractor Dr. Heidi Chiropractic today to see how she can help your body function better.


8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 4:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 12:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 11:00am

Saturday & Sunday

Dr. Heidi Chiropractic

1757 E Baseline Rd STE 134
Gilbert, AZ 85233

(480) 272-9600